SSC (CLASS 9 & 10) GENERAL MATH 1st CHAPTER VIDEO TUTORIAL (এস এস সি সাধারন গণিত অনুশীলনী-০১ বাস্তব সংখ্যা ভিডিও টিউটোরিয়াল )

Imrul Hassan Khan
 Mathematics is the science of quantity. Starting in the 19th century, when the study of mathematics increased in rigor and began to address abstract topics such as group theory and projective geometry, which have no clear-cut relation to quantity and measurement, mathematicians and philosophers began to propose a variety of new definitions. Some of these definitions emphasize the deductive character of much of mathematics, some emphasize its abstractness, some emphasize certain topics within mathematics. Today, no consensus on the definition of mathematics prevails, even among professionals.There is not even consensus on whether mathematics is an art or a science. A great many professional mathematicians take no interest in a definition of mathematics, or consider it undefinable. Some just say, "Mathematics is what mathematicians do."

STUDY CORNER BANGLADESDH  provide solution of various mathematical problem according to SSC and HSC text book.

"ভিডিওগুলো ইউটিউব থেকে সংগৃহীত এবং কোন বাণিজ্যিক উদ্দেশ্যে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে না।" 
"This video's are collected from youtube and its not using for any commercial purpose. "

অনুশীলনি-০১ ( বাস্তব সংখ্যা ) টিউটোরিয়াল -১


অনুশীলনি-০১ ( বাস্তব সংখ্যা টিউটোরিয়াল -২


অনুশীলনি-০১ ( বাস্তব সংখ্যা টিউটোরিয়াল -৩


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